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Coaching Excellence: Coaching Super-Vision as a Reflective Practice

  • February 04, 2021
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM


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The Revised ICF Competency Model introduced the foundational competency #2 "Embodies a Coaching Mindset" into the mix. This is a wonderful step forward in the world of professional coaching. Several of the new markers of competence can be developed through the regular practice of Reflective Coach Supervision*. Coach supervision has been a regular practice for our European counterparts for some time and is now slowly making its way into the Americas. This updated focus in the new competency model does not require coach supervision explicitly but it does require that the coach develop some form of reflective practice. My experience has been that Supervision is vital to my own growth and healthy functioning as a coach. It helps me to be more thoughtful in how I show up. It allows me to reflect on what happened for me in a recent session with a client and determine how I might move forward differently in the future. It helps me to have a more impactful relationship with my clients. All these lead to more effective coaching engagements.

CCEUs: 1.0 Core Competency and 0.5 Resource Development 

Learning outcomes:

  • Articulate the difference between reflective supervision and mentor coaching
  • Describe the purposes of reflective supervision
  • Describe what supervision is and what it is not
  • Differentiate between group and individual supervision and reasons for each
  • Learn models for supervision that can also be utilized in your coaching practice

Speaker Bio:

Cherie Silas, MCC is also a Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC) and Certified Team Coach (CTC). She has a strong desire to help people arrive at the place they define as success in both personal and professional life. Her goal is to invest the experience and talents she has gathered through years of learning, often times the hard way, into people whom she hopes will become greater than she can ever dream to be.

Cherie serves as an executive coach to employees and leaders of for-profit and non-profit organizations that work with rising leaders all over the world at crucial points in their careers to help them manifest the change they want to be, and see, in the world.

Cherie also serves as a professional coaching instructor and mentor coach helping coaches improve their core coaching competencies and skills. She also provides coach supervision to experienced coaches helping them look at the work they are doing with their clients and strengthen those client relationships to have more effective coaching engagements.

Cherie’s life mission that drives every interaction with every individual she encounters is simply this: To leave you better than I found you with each encounter.

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