Program Description:
Taking the Client DEEPER SOONER by Establishing the Coaching Agreement: Transformation is caused by a shift in perception. The most effective way to facilitate your client in experiencing a transformational shift is from the inside out.
- Inside = the WHO (who you are)
- Outside = the WHAT (your circumstances)
Changing the nature of your questions from WHAT to WHO will:
(a) facilitate the client in raising their awareness of their relationship to their “issue,” learning more about themselves, and gaining greater access to their innate qualities, such as strengths, empowering beliefs, core values - their greatness!
(b) help you get to the client’s underlying issue sooner.
Learning Objectives:
In this powerful session we’ll take a deep dive and explore the concept of transformation. As a participant you will learn how to:
- Shift the nature of your questions from surface-level/problem solving WHAT questions to facilitating WHO questions for new learning and capacity building for their greater personal empowerment.
- Ask powerful questions that help clients discover their underlying issue (deeper desire) and access their motivations for achieving their objectives.
- Effectively invite the client into the transformational zone where they see their own greatness and shift their relationship to their issue for achieving a long-lasting resolution.
- Gain greater mastery at demonstrating the PCC Markers and MCC Minimum Requirements for Establishing the Coaching Agreement
Core Competencies:
In this session, Fran Fisher will focus on competency #3 – Establishes and Maintains Agreement. You will receive 1.5 Core Competency CCEUs for attending this session.
About the Presenter:
Fran Fisher is a Master Certified Coach. With an international client list, Fran’s mission is to empower her clients in fulfilling their visions while living their best lives. Her legacy to the international coaching profession demonstrates the value of personal and professional mastery and mentorship for all professional coaches.
Fran is a visionary leader, international speaker, and published author. Fran is recognized internationally as one of the pioneers for coaching. She served as a founding Executive Board member of the International Coach Federation, responsible for developing the Credentialing Programs for aspiring coaches and training schools. Fran was the first Executive Director of the ACTO, the Association for Coach Training Organizations. She has been serving ICF as a PCC and MCC Credentialing Assessor since 1998.
In 1991, Fran founded the Living Your Vision® (LYV) process for empowering individuals in transforming their visions into reality. In 1997, Fran founded the Academy for Coach Training, one of the first (ICF) accredited schools. Fran is Director of Training for BALM Training Institute
Fran’s highest vision is a world where everyone is enjoying a rich and fulfilling life, living true to their essence, life purpose, and values. She believes this is what the world needs of us—to be true to ourselves—and that coaching is the contribution we can make for this transformation in our world.
IMPORTANT: Registration for this event requires a two-step process. After registering through ICF San Antonio, please sign-up to receive the webinar access by using the link included in your confirmation email.